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DNA + symptoms appeared / I want it to end well



It is a bad method to start with words to define things


symptoms appeared

these images

a distance to force

plus all that had to die to gather evidence


and there is still


because it´s more difficult to assume a truth rather than assign position that it may deserve it.


photos / cecilia

texts / gisela

Portrait of Montevideo




Direct shots to reflections, mirrors and broken glass.

A way to see the space and those who habit it.

Montevideo is the city where I was born. I remember the context of each shot.

Inaccurate contours, repetitions, movement and a deep blue.

Understand these images.

Live in another space.

Look for fuzzy shapes.

 Theatrical show 
It's a dog because it barks. 

The Gymnast needs to cry. Nicola, a trainer, her doctor, her sister, a philosopher. He/she intervenes, interrupts, helps, fractures. The space is opened and closed by the Third Character who sees everything through slides. The illumination, the knowledge and the rhythm are set from the outside; science, god, powers, medicine, it doesn't matter.


With Malena Giaquinta y Florencia Sánchez Elía

Lighting and Projections: Cecilia Almeida Saquieres

Director assistant: Michael Labarca 

Dramaturgy - Director: Nadia Lozano

Audiovisual record: Francisco Castro Pizzo

Camera: Patricio Toscano y Lucía Osorio


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